Let’s make it rain

First, we need to make clouds

Getting you launched

This works in phases.  If you’re here you’ve probably completed phase 1 and 2, but it is possible our sales team is giving you a taste of how easy this is.  Essentially, your job is to make a decision on buying illumiQUOTE, signing the contract, giving us a little help setting it up, and then MAKING IT RAIN by using it.  That ain’t hard.

If you’re the detailed type, here’s what it looks like:


Phase 3 

Setups & Integrations

Welcome to FRIKINtech! This is where the boring stuff happens before the magic.

  • Dealership information

  • We are simply looking for a starting spot (like vAuto or your website provider) to begin the hunt for your inventory.
  • We will pull your dealership's phone number and address from the URL you provide. This will help show your customers consistency.
  • For WEBSITEiQ (optional)

  • WEBSITEiQ is places dynamic payments inside your website VLP and VDPs. Please list the URLs you'd like payments to show on and who the website provider is that hosts those URLs.
  • Systems information

  • Your CRM information is important for a number of things. We can automate your quotes, push notifications and leads into it, and even answer leads on your behalf. In order to do it all, we will need a login to work with you in your CRM.