The average DMS database size we see is around 21,000 customers. There are an additional 1,100 service repair orders hitting the database every month. And the number of lease returns varies by dealership. Depending on the market, more than half of these customers are in an equity position. Quite a few more are only a few thousand dollars away from being in equity, and we know most customers will stretch for something newer… not to mention how tempting it is when a dealer helps them stretch.
So, why aren’t most dealerships successfully converting more customers who have already spent a dollar with your dealership? Sales people.
Mental issues against future prospecting vs. slaying the laydown who just walked in is the reason why sales people are the problem.
I get it! I was a salesperson once, too.
“I have a bonus plan to hit THIS MONTH, and that customer who wants to buy in three months is wasting my time.” –Me at 19 years old
If I could go back and slap younger me in the face for thinking that way, I would!
But we can’t slap our salespeople in the face. We can assist them in making better decisions. This is where Automation + A.I. work together to farm the customers our salespeople don’t want to work today.
Let TRADEiQ do the work your sales floor hasn’t wanted to do. Technology will work your service drive, engage your lease turn-ins, and find the equity in your sold database!
- Automation ensures the right customers get the right offer
- Automation is bound to your rules – the dealer is in control!
- A.I. ensures every customer is worked consistently
- A.I. engages customers through text
- Automation & A.I. are specially tuned for the goal of generating appointments
In summary:
Automation plants the seeds with your customers, A.I. helps grow them into opportunities, and your sales staff can concentrate on the deals that are happening sooner!