FRIKINtech has completed the certification process in the Reynolds Certified Interface (RCI) Program.
Certification in the RCI Program helps ensure safe, secure, and reliable data transfer between SERVICEiQ, EQUITYiQ, INSURANCEiQ, and our Mail products for Reynolds and Reynolds ERA® dealers.
The RCI Program provides a standardized approach to handling dealership data from a Reynolds system in a safe, secure, and supported manner.
The benefit of having certified integration with Reynolds and Reynolds adds direct value to our shared dealers. The certified interface(s) will ensure the reliability of consistent data.
“Reynolds and Reynolds created the Reynolds Certified Interface program to ensure that technology and software providers have the ability to access and exchange data within the ERA® and POWER Dealership Management Systems while ensuring the security, integrity, privacy and supportability of the dealer data.“
We are excited to offer this new level of integration to Reynolds dealerships. Current clients are already in the process of moving to the new RCI connections.