Introducing TRADEiQ

Starting in July 2024, FRIKTIONLESS Technologies (FRIKINtech for short) will combine the power of its vehicle acquisition and equity mining products into a more straightforward, single solution. TRADEiQ will bring SERVICEiQ and EQUITYiQ together and add the power of AI.

SERVICEiQ focused solely on the dealership’s service drive to generate leads to trade or sell their car to the dealership.  EQUITYiQ focused on the sold database to entice customers to trade their vehicles. 

TRADEiQ not only reduces the costs of those two products but also utilizes artificial intelligence to communicate with interested customers. It is the first fully automated data mining solution that generates appointments without human interaction.

“AI cannot replace humans for the in-store experience or a tiny minority of customers with a more complex situation.  This is why we made things seamless for those odd situations. We recently added a service appointment dashboard with equity estimates for dealers who wish to reach out to their service appointments with a trade offer before they get to the store.”

Alex Snyder, CEO.

TRADEiQ is the next iteration of FRIKTIONLESS technologies’ drive to remove the friction between car dealers and their customers.  The addition of AI keeps communications consistent and ensures customers stay engaged.  Dealership staff takes over the process when the AI has scheduled an appointment or cannot answer a difficult question.  Appointment generation far exceeds any questions the AI has not been able to answer.    

Written on July 11, 2024

Written by FRIKIN tech

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