Tapping the service drive as a source of sales leads is nothing new to car dealers. Most stores have tried some flavor of:
The green pea has stood outside in the early morning sun with a steaming hot Dunkin Donuts coffee awkwardly greeting customers who just want to get to their service advisor.
“Wanna buy a car?” “No – I just want to get my car in and out!”

A kiosk showing “today’s needed cars” cleverly written based off of today’s service appointment vehicles has enticed some customers to raise their hands.
Prepared Equity Quotes done manually for today’s service appointments is the most advanced attempt at leveraging the service drive. Armed sales agents with a pre-configured offer for a customer who bought their car at the dealership previously and is scheduled for service today.
The same problem persists through all of the last 100 years of service drive tapping efforts: the customer rarely has time to sit through 4 hours of sales process.

SERVICEiQ is the first automated system that allows the customer to explore how their equity applies to every car the dealer can sell them on the customer’s time. It is a time to take a financial health check just after the service department has taken a physical health check for every customer in service; not just the ones who bought their car from that store.

It takes minutes; not hours.
If the customer wishes to take the dealer up on a trade offer, then a sales appointment is scheduled with the proper expectations of the length of time it will take to physically buy the car in the store, or from the convenience of home if the dealer offers that perk.
Sales staff are not asked to do anything different or work in any different system. When the customer engages SERVICEiQ the dealer’s configuration can determine just how far engaged they need to be before a lead is dropped into the CRM for sales to follow-up.
Compared to Equity Mining tools, SERVICEiQ is not limited to just the sales DMS database. Its primary focus is every service RO. Only 40% of the average dealer’s 1,400 ROs per month actually bought the car they’re servicing from that store.
While equity mining solutions focus on the 200 sold customers that bought 3 years ago, there are 7 ROs for every 1 car deal done each month.
Sales teams rarely know whether a customer has engaged with the equity mining offer that was sent in the mail and/or email. Because SERVICEiQ is 100% digital, with delivery via text message and email, a customer’s click is known. Every click is known! The same Digital Body Language SALESiQ dealerships enjoy is in SERVICEiQ as well.

Digital Body Language from SERVICEiQ is delivered into the dealer’s CRM as a new lead and notifications are delivered when the customer engages again. This means the sales staff is not following up blindly. They know they have an engaged customer and they also know what buying motivations that customer has.
SERVICEiQ accepts marketing scripts/tags to enable retargeting through dealer ad agencies. Chat scripts are also embeddable for further immediate customer communication along with customized CRM workflows. Why leave a customer with a single phone call from a sales agent who called blindly?
SERVICEiQ eloquently automates a solution to the 100 year old problem of “how do I mine my service drive for retail car deals?”