FRIKINtech partners with Hammer AI

FRIKINtech partners with Hammer AI

FRIKTIONLESS Technologies (FRIKINtech for short) entered the used vehicle acquisition and data/equity mining space in 2021.  The volume of leads generated from customers in the dealership service drive and past sold database has been higher than expected!  The lack of...
Introducing TRADEiQ

Introducing TRADEiQ

Starting in July 2024, FRIKTIONLESS Technologies (FRIKINtech for short) will combine the power of its vehicle acquisition and equity mining products into a more straightforward, single solution. TRADEiQ will bring SERVICEiQ and EQUITYiQ together and add the power of...
FTC Ready Payments

FTC Ready Payments

When the FTC originally introduced its new rules for how car payments and vehicle pricing are quoted and advertised, there was incredible pushback. They listened to the feedback and changed things to become the CARS Rules (Combating Auto Retail Scams). In January of...