FRIKINtech Wins the Disruptor Award at 2021 AWAs

FRIKINtech Wins the Disruptor Award at 2021 AWAs

For over a decade, the Automotive Website Awards have been a benchmark in the auto industry for innovative products in technology, design, search marketing, social media, and digital retailing. We’re pretty FRIKIN proud to be on the recipient list again this...
5 Tips to Get Engaged on Valentine’s Day

5 Tips to Get Engaged on Valentine’s Day

First of all, congratulations, with this foolproof guide, you are guaranteed to get engaged on Valentine’s Day. It is all about communication and your willingness to step outside your comfort zone. Follow these five simple steps: Respond to every internet lead...
Digital Dealer Virtual 2020

Digital Dealer Virtual 2020

How did illumiQUOTE become the nation’s best lead engagment solution in under a year? Tap above to test drive your internet department’s best friend.Engage your online shoppers, all your internet leads, and dazzle your databases with transparency a...