This message is not OEM-approved

This message is not OEM-approved

“We only use OEM-approved vendors.” Well, Bless. Your.  Hearts. So, let me get this straight. You want your website to look identical to your competitors? You want your advertising to match the dealer down the street? You’d like nothing to differentiate you from...
Baby Steps in Digital Retailing

Baby Steps in Digital Retailing

Whoa, Buddy! You ain’t ready for digital retailing. Seriously. In the race to perfect digital retailing, many automotive technology developers and dealers are losing sight of the bigger picture. You don’t have your shit together. Like, at all. Your BDC...
The Real Deal

The Real Deal

Your internet leads deserve more than a voicemail and generic email reply. With only 20% of automotive internet leads responding back to dealers, it’s easy to agree that we’re doing something wrong, universally, when replying to shoppers. When a car shopper reaches...
Who built the damn thing?

Who built the damn thing?

What drives the decision to build a new pencil tool for car dealers? For many vendors, the answer is simple, money. Historically, car dealers are pretty big spenders when it comes to flashy new “solutions.” Many failed salespeople, ex-GMs, and other dealership rejects...
I have to talk to my wife

I have to talk to my wife

Overcoming objections is Sales 101. Any statement, excuse, or mindset which prevents a car shopper from buying the car today is an objection. They range from legitimate hang-ups like not having the correct vehicle in stock, waiting for a tax return, or selling the...