100% Biased Opinions
But it isn’t fake news
Offer reactions in 2023
Marketing works when you hit the right customer at the right time with the right message. In 2023, many curious...
Retention stats from 2023
retention | rəˈtenSHən | noun the continued possession, use, or control...
Engagement Stats from 2023
You can't sell a car without an engaged shopper. Kris Cox (CEO of Cox Automotive Group) With all the recent...
Being CARS Rule Compliant for the FTC is easier with FRIKINtech
The CARS rule's approach by the FTC was announced on December 12th, 2023. You can read the FTC's announcement of the...
Service Drive Spending in 2023
As of May 2023, vehicle repair prices had already jumped 23% over 2022. The cost of maintenance is one of the most...
Inception Stats from 2023
Inception, the movie, placed ideas into characters' heads designed to motivate those characters to take a single...
Equity Stats from 2023
This is the first of a few posts I plan to do on 2023 statistics from our data. Between analyzing dealers' sold &...
Phone Up Game Part 6: The Solution
Dealership phone ups and outbound marketing campaign calls can be handled by a virtual call center. BDCiQ is your dealership’s BDC.