100% Biased Opinions
But it isn’t fake news
Service is inconvenient – Sales is convenient
People are going to get tired of the hassle of repairs and maintenance. A New car represents 3-5 years of trouble-free driving.
Target the cars you want
Acquire the used cars you want for your dealership using your own data. Target the right age and mileage vehicles from your loyal customers.
Customer Text Responses from 2022
If you were ever wondering how people respond to automated offers to buy/trade their car, we can now say only 1%...
2023 Predictions for Car Dealers
This article was published in Auto Remarketing Older Cars, More Inventory Woes and Rethinking Digital Retailing:...
Customers do not know you buy cars
It is amazing what customers will do when they know something exists. It is also amazing how much dealers assume...
White Paper: Texting Service Customers with Equity Offers
Texting customers in the car dealership service drive with offers to buy or trade their car unlocked three times more deals than mail and email. Get the white paper to see the data.
SERVICEiQ wins AWA Award for Sales Process
FRIKINtech’s SERVICEiQ won the 2023 AWA Award for the unique automation never-before seen in data & equity mining
What 2022 stats taught FRIKINtech
We brought SERVICEiQ (sends equity offers to service customers daily) to market in late Q4 of 2021, so 2022 was the...