100% Biased Opinions
But it isn’t fake news
Spencer Beckstead joins FRIKINtech as CRO
Spencer Beckstead, formerly of Larry H. Miller, joins FRIKINtech as CRO.
Changing the Script on Equity Mining Leads
When a new lead hits your CRM, does your BDC team ask the shopper if they are already a VIP customer with your...
How Automation Can Help in a Time of Low-Inventory, High-Demand
Acquiring more used cars with automation out of the dealership service drive to creates great efficiency.
Mine the Service Drive Right! The 4 components needed
It takes more than mail and a sales database to properly equity mine. It also requires the service drive, automation, and interactive technology for the customer.
FRIKINtech Launches Automated Equity Mining Engine for Service Customers
SERVICEiQ press release details how equity mining has been changed by FRIKINtech. Targeting the service drive of the car dealership with automated loan or lease equity offers drives stronger results for car dealers.
Guide: How to Mine the Service Drive
There are 5 ways for car dealers to mine the service drive for customers with equity in their current vehicle. This guide shows how to equity mine the service drive.
Does Automation Work?
Obviously it does or I wouldn't write this article. So you can say "duh" to me. You can expand that "duh" by adding...
Ah, Push it…Push it good
The goal of marketing is to push a compelling message to the right person at the right time and then pull a signal of...